Seattle Student Union
In response to a shooting at Ingraham High School
This morning at Ingraham High School, a 17-year old student was shot and killed on campus. From the 911 call at 9:55 am and the students' release to families at noon, we were terrified. We still are. So many of us across the district had friends and loved ones that were locked in their classrooms fearing for their lives.
It’s hard to come up with the right words to describe this tragedy as many of us have become so desensitized to these events. Students are tired, scared and angry. We are old enough to get shot but too young to vote for the laws that would stop our deaths.
It is long past time that lawmakers pass meaningful legislation around gun violence prevention.
This is another tragic reminder of how as students, we risk our lives everyday going to school. Firearms are now the number one cause of death for children and teens. It shouldn’t have to be this way. We have had enough.
Please remember to take care of yourself today and reach out to those who may have been affected. Our condolences are with the family affected, and with the community at Ingraham High School. We stand with you.
Today we grieve, tomorrow we act.
In Solidarity,
Executive Board, Seattle Student Union
About Seattle Student Union
We are a group of students from around Seattle, WA (Duwamish Territory) that fight for students. We organize around issues that are important for Seattle Students. For more information please refer to our website here.